Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training
Supporting you supporting others
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training
Supporting you supporting others
Supporting you supporting others
Supporting you supporting others
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognised training course that is taught in 25 countries around the world. It is the mental health equivalent of physical first aid. MHFA is an evidence-based training course that is designed to teach people how to recognise the signs and symptoms of mental ill health. It doesn't teach you how to be a therapist, but you will learn how to listen, reassure and respond to a person experiencing mental health challenges and guide them to appropriate professional support.
The main aims of MHFA are to:
Responder MHFA shares the vision of MHFA England to train 1 in 10 people in England in MHFA skills.
Our trainers are accredited Instructor Members of MHFA England, the only provider of licensed Mental Health First Aid Instructor Training in England. The MHFA instructor training programme is accredited by the Royal Society for Public Health, meaning by choosing Responder MHFA you can be sure that you will receive high quality training resulting in an officially recognised qualification.
Our trainers are highly qualified, with a wealth of experience in mental health training and our courses receive consistently excellent feedback. Click here to see some recent testimonials.
Responder MHFA specialises in delivering the Youth Mental Health First Aid course in Schools. Youth Courses are run by accredited MHFA England Instructor Members with a background in teaching, so our trainers know first-hand the mental health challenges being faced by teachers and students in schools and the training is tailored to the school environment.
Responder MHFA is accredited to run the new Online Adult Two Day Mental Health course. This was developed by MHFA England in response to the Covid-19 outbreak, which forced a change in the way we were able to deliver our courses. The Online course is run through the new MHFA England Online Learning Hub and is comprised of a mixture of instructor-led live sessions and individual learning activities.